
Thriving Communities

Quick Facts
  • The cost of absenteeism, productivity, and employee turnover due to lack of quality childcare results in direct losses for Nebraska businesses of over $234 million per year.
  • The impact of business losses due to inadequate high quality childcare availability results in another $21 million dollars in loss in terms of state tax revenue.
  • Studies show that dollars invested in quality early childhood programs show a positive net return for communities with a number of positive effects that help communities thrive.
  • K–12 public education shows net savings due to lower grade retention, lower rates of special education, and higher high school graduation rates that result from quality care.

  • Communities benefit from the increased lifetime earnings and subsequent tax payments to federal, state, and local governments that come from those who participate in quality early childhood programs.

  • Quality childcare has shown impact on reduced child abuse and neglect, on reduced crime, and on improved health and mental health behavior.